
Amanda White’s Cut Paper Collages of Writers’ Houses


Do you like lit­er­a­ture, poet­ry, and col­lage? Then you’re going to enjoy the work of illus­tra­tor Aman­da White. The Span­ish cre­ative spe­cial­izes in depict­ing the homes of British writ­ers, and she does so with orig­i­nal cut paper col­lage. I love the com­bi­na­tion of tex­tures and col­ors that bring these places to life in ways that a paint­ing could­n’t. Aman­da explains why this series is per­fect for her:

Writ­ers’ hous­es seem to have tak­en over my cre­ative life right now and for the fore­see­able future. They sat­is­fy my crav­ings for Eng­land, my love of books and writ­ers, my pas­sion for archi­tec­ture and land­scape and my finick­ety inter­est in his­tor­i­cal research (which prob­a­bly dates back to my the­atre design train­ing all those years ago). And the means — recy­cling old mag­a­zines — allows me to indulge my over­rid­ing fond­ness for pattern.

You can pur­chase these images in her Etsy shop.

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