
Alluring Appliqué Embroideries of Women Stitched by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Meghan Willis, aka Tsu­rubride, cre­ates appliqué embroi­dery of women in unex­pect­ed ways. Using thread like a fine-tipped pen over linen and Lib­er­ty Lon­don fab­rics, she explores and cel­e­brates the strengths and sex­u­al­i­ty of all women. Her sub­jects are in con­trol of how we view them. Some face for­ward, eyes locked on us while oth­ers look away—not offer­ing their gaze to us. Occa­sion­al­ly, Meghan ven­tures into the realm of the sur­re­al and will stitch mul­ti­ple eyes and arms to con­vey feel­ings of loss, uncer­tain­i­ty, or the con­flict­ing emo­tions that make us human.

Fol­low Meghan’s hand embroi­dery in progress on her Insta­gram.

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Hand embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Hand embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Hand embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis

Appliqué embroidery of women by Meghan Willis