
Intricately Chaotic Embroideries are the Beautiful Calm Before the Storm

Allie Frazier embroidery

If Slow Stitch Sophie encap­su­lates intri­cate wild­flow­ers in her hoop art, Allie Fra­zier cap­tures the diffused—and chaotic!—beauty that’s rem­i­nis­cent of a hazy land­scape. Using a vari­ety of stitch­es (includ­ing my favorite, French knots) and bead­ing, the lay­ered, tex­tured pieces are sim­i­lar to abstract patch­es of fog or storm clouds that could seem­ing­ly erupt at any moment.

Allie sells her hoop art through Etsy.

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery

Allie Frazier embroidery