
Say the ABCs with Alice Pattullo’s Animal Screen Prints

A is for Armadillo who is short stout and round.

A is for Armadil­lo who is short stout and round.

Here’s a fun project that’s a nice take on an “alpha­bet” series. Alice Pat­tul­lo cre­at­ed a col­lec­tion of A‑Z ani­mals, and she’s cur­rent­ly shar­ing a let­ter a day. I like that these illus­tra­tions depict some uncon­ven­tion­al sub­jects. Bee­tles, crabs, igua­nas — they aren’t crea­tures that are cute or cud­dly, but they’re well-craft­ed, four-col­or screen prints. In addi­tion, Alice came up with cute say­ings to go along with ’em.

Each illus­tra­tion is for sale as a lim­it­ed-edi­tion print (of 30). Dis­play them all togeth­er or by their lone­some. To pur­chase, send her an email.

Alice Pattullo

B is for Bee­tle who stays close to the ground.

Alice Pattullo

C is for Crab who crawls on the sea bed.

Alice Pattullo

D is for Dove who likes to fly overhead.

E is for Elephant who is anything but light.

E is for Ele­phant who is any­thing but light.

F is for fox who roams the city streets at night.

F is for fox who roams the city streets at night.

G is for grizzly bear, a fierce looking fellow.

G is for griz­zly bear, a fierce look­ing fellow.

H is for Hippo who is altogether more mellow.

H is for Hip­po who is alto­geth­er more mellow.

I is for Iguana a large scaly reptile.

I is for Igua­na a large scaly reptile.

J is for jack rabbit who jumps mile after mile.

J is for jack rab­bit who jumps mile after mile.

K is for Kangaroo who takes hop, skip and bound.

K is for Kan­ga­roo who takes hop, skip and bound.