
Vintage-Inspired Sketchbook Drawings That Depict the Beauty of the Past

Aimee Bee Brooks

If you peruse Aimee Bee BrooksInsta­gram, you’ll find that her sketch­book is full of del­i­cate draw­ings with a retro sen­si­bil­i­ty. In par­tic­u­lar, I’m fond of the illus­tra­tive ladies who don vin­tage hair­styles and fash­ions. Cre­at­ed with a light hand, the por­traits seem to flick­er, like a mem­o­ry you can’t quite grasp onto in your mind—they’re fleet­ing and poignant.

Aimee sells her work—including beau­ti­ful scarves—on Etsy.

Aimee Bee Brooks

Aimee Bee Brooks

Aimee Bee Brooks

Aimee Bee Brooks

Aimee Bee Brooks

Aimee Bee Brooks

Aimee Bee Brooks