
Giant Cacti and Scheming Kitties Take Over the Buildings of Cities Around the World

Mural paintings by artist Agostino Lacurci

It’s been years since I post­ed the work of a mural­ist, so let’s change that now with the giant paint­ings of Agosti­no Iacur­ci. His works fea­ture bold por­traits and still lifes that con­form to the sides of tall build­ings. Hap­py plants, schem­ing kit­ties, and pre­car­i­ous stacks of ves­sels are just some of his cho­sen sub­jects. Their bright col­ors and sim­pli­fied shapes are imme­di­ate­ly eye-catch­ing among the hus­tle and bus­tle of urban areas.

Agosti­no crafts his mur­al paint­ings so that there’s more than meets the eye; they ben­e­fit from care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion. “He uses an essen­tial lan­guage to dri­ve mul­ti­ple lay­ers of inter­pre­ta­tion,” his web­site states. “This approach places his tales on the thresh­old between inno­cence and arti­fice, seren­i­ty and cat­a­stro­phe.” If you see one of his murals every day, this inten­tion affords you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate your own expla­na­tions for who his sub­jects are and why they relate to one anoth­er in such a way. (h/t: Art is A Way)

Agostino Iacurci creates giant mural paintings that look deceptively simple but encourage you to decide their meaning.

Mural paintings by artist Agostino Lacurci

Wall painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Wall painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Wall painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural paintings by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural paintings by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural paintings by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Mural painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Wall painting by artist Agostino Lacurci

Wall painting by artist Agostino Lacurci