
Adam Weir


My friend and fel­low artist Aman­da turned me on to the work of Adam Weir. Using gouache and water­col­or, he paints dis­joint­ed envi­ron­ments. His statement: 

Through works on paper, I explore ideas of dis­place­ment, con­sump­tion, and the envi­ron­ments in which we live. By com­bin­ing every­day expe­ri­ence, nos­tal­gia, and urban visu­al cues I cre­ate absurd con­struc­tions with­in my paint­ings to try and under­stand the com­plex inter­ac­tions between peo­ple, spaces, and things. Rec­og­niz­able imagery sur­round­ed by a vast expanse of white cre­ates a dream­like space that may or may not exist. The place­ment of such quo­tid­i­an objects in unnat­ur­al or fan­tas­tic sit­u­a­tions ques­tions the real­i­ty of the world in which they reside. 

All images via his web­site.



