
Colorful Coral Reefs Inspire Meticulously Stitched Embroideries by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Con­tem­po­rary abstract embroi­dery focus­es on non-rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al shapes that cov­er the fab­ric and daz­zle us with their stitch­es and col­or. Embroi­der­er Shea Goitia cre­ates amor­phous forms that do just that—impress us with their can­dy-coat­ed palette and atten­tion to detail.

It all starts with the col­ors,” Shea tells Ball­pit­mag. “I’ll see an inspir­ing group­ing of col­ors, or one will just float into my head, and then I usu­al­ly can’t stop think­ing about it! To start my pieces, all I do is draw the out­line shape on the hoop, and then start fill­ing it in as I go. I don’t usu­al­ly plan out which tex­tures are going to be where before I start, I just let it hap­pen nat­u­ral­ly.” Although based on spon­tane­ity, her work is inspired by the visu­als aspects of coral reefs, as well as the col­or­ful schools of fish that excit­ed­ly swim around them.

Fol­low Shea’s col­or­ful embroi­deries on Insta­gram.

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia

Abstract embroidery by Shea Goitia