
Stylish Illustrations That Will Make You Say, “Where Can I Buy That?”

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

One rea­son I love illus­tra­tion is that it can act as a visu­al record of our present day. The fash­ions, in par­tic­u­lar, are often cap­tured in illus­tra­tion, whether it is the focus of the piece or not. Abbey Loss­ing is one of those cre­atives. Her work isn’t always cen­tered just on fash­ion, but it’s clear that out­fits are some­thing she loves to draw.

I’ve long been a fan of Abbey’s work and have con­tin­ued to fol­low her on Insta­gram since writ­ing about her many years ago. Since then, she has infused flo­rals, abstract shapes, and even squig­gles onto pants and shirts. I want every piece in this wardrobe.

Illustrator Abbey Lossing creates a wardrobe that I’d like to wear.

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing

Illustration by Abbey Lossing