
Nathalie Lété’s Busy Paintings Make Great Illustrated Products

Nathalie Lété

See that spot­ted dog in the paint­ing above? I love ’em. And hon­est­ly, it’s the first thing I noticed when look­ing at Nathalie Lété’s work… like I have some sort of 6th sense for that type of thing. Her paint­ings are full of quirky objects  set against pat­terned back­grounds. They are busy, but so much fun to look at!

In addi­tion to paint­ings, Nathalie’s illus­tra­tions adorn many, many prod­ucts. I’ve includ­ed her scarves here, and she’s cre­at­ed images that are on toys, tote bags, key chains, and ceramics.

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And, a rug!nathalie-8