
Olivier Vrancken

The parallel

I love mak­ing con­nec­tions, under­stand­ing how small the world real­ly is by just a few degrees of sep­a­ra­tion. So, it is no sur­prise that my eyes favor com­po­si­tions where it can move with flu­id­i­ty around the image. Olivi­er Vranck­en, an artist based in the Nether­lands, exem­pli­fies this. His fig­ures and col­ors work in har­mo­ny to build a bridge with­in the rela­tion­ships. Although Olivi­er has abstract­ed the fig­ures, shapes, and pat­terns in his work, there is still this feel­ing of ten­der­ness that I get from these images. 

All images via his Flickr. Check out his web­site as well. 

Siege of power
