BPB Projects

Collage Scrap Exchange: What Should You Send, Anyways?


Col­lage artists, have you signed up for the Col­lage Scrap Exchange yet? It’s a fun, cre­ative art con­test where you can win awe­some prizes! I’ve part­nered with Papir­mass to offer this.

The premise is sim­ple: bun­dle some of your favorite scraps and send them to your part­ner — anoth­er col­lage artist. They’ll ship their scraps to you, and the two of you will have a whole new set of mate­ri­als to exper­i­ment and play with! Then, make art­work that fus­es both of your unique pieces. Learn more about prizes here! Any­one and any­where is eli­gi­ble to sign up and win.

So, what makes a good set of scraps to exchange? Here’s a col­lec­tion of my own, diagramed:


  1. Mag­a­zine pho­tographs (like these col­or­ful flowers!)
  2. Hand-paint­ed papers of pre-cut shapes (such as hands)
  3. Pho­tographs of peo­ple you don’t know
  4. Scraps from your lat­est print­mak­ing project
  5. Kraft paper (or oth­er con­ven­tion­al papers)
  6. Air­brushed experiments
  7. Inter­est­ing shapes cut out from papers
  8. Pat­terned papers (like scrap­book pages)
  9. Hand-paint­ed paper with ink lines on them

When you pack­age your scraps, think about a vari­ety of things to offer. Maybe it’s a bunch of mul­ti-col­ored papers, or a lot of dif­fer­ent tex­tures. Either way, com­pile a col­lec­tion that you’d like to receive and I’m sure your part­ner will appre­ci­ate it!