
Rami Kim’s Playful Ceramic Dishes Feature a Eerie Suprise

rami kim

Is that a… float­ing head in that dish? Why, yes it is! Rami Kim cre­at­ed these whim­si­cal ceram­ic pieces that inter­act with food in a play­ful way. They fea­ture small, paint­ed faces that sit in the mid­dle of the bowls and con­tin­ue to stare up at you as you’re fill­ing them with salt, fruit, and more. They’re also your ever-present din­ing companion!

Kim’s back­ground is in ani­ma­tion, and you can see the influ­ence in her work. It’s char­ac­ter-dri­ven and expres­sive, adding a fun twist to every­day objects (can’t you imag­ine that salt as snow?). You can pur­chase Kim’s work on Etsy.

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