
The Tiniest Books and Records by Lauren Delaney George

Lauren Delaney George

I’ve always been a fan of minia­tures. When I was younger, I remem­ber that my mom had print­er draw­ers mount­ed to our walls with tiny good­ies on dis­play. Now it’s come full cir­cle, as I too col­lect small art objects! So it’s no sur­prise, then, that I fell in love with Lau­ren Delaney George’s Etsy shop. She hand pro­duces tiny books, pen­cils, scrolls, per­fume bot­tles, and so much more (there are over 700 items for sale!). Every­thing is rough­ly the size of a pen­ny, or some­times smaller.

These pieces are meant for doll hous­es, and George’s career start­ed when she made minia­tures as Christ­mas gifts for her grand­par­ents. Now, she cre­ates them for hob­by­ists, writ­ing, “One of my frus­tra­tions as a child was the high expense of the avail­able doll­house acces­sories, whose qual­i­ty was incon­sis­tent at best.” If you have an idea for a tiny object, you can let George know via Etsy.

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