
Hudson Christie’s Humorous Polymer Clay Illustrations

hudson christie

Hud­son Christie is a design stu­dent at the Ontario Col­lege of Art and Design. They use sculp­ture and pho­tog­ra­phy to craft their images, and specif­i­cal­ly use poly­mer clay, paper, wood, and foam as mate­ri­als. Not sur­pris­ing­ly, Christie is influ­enced by Gum­by, among oth­er things.

These illus­tra­tions are part of their the­sis series, Work-Life Bal­ance. I am absolute­ly lov­ing the tac­tile style, exquis­ite details (like the sewn-on heart), and humor­ous con­tent. They’re cute, but a lit­tle sin­is­ter at the same time.

(H/T Amy Boone-McCreesh for intro­duc­ing me to Christie’s work!)

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