
Shimrit Elkanati Says Hello to a Giant Bunny

Nobrow 8: Hysteria

Shim­rit Elka­nati is an Israeli illus­tra­tor whose sweet images are a tinged with a bit of cheek­i­ness. The sub­dued col­or palette depicts sto­ries for chil­dren and cel­e­brates imag­i­na­tion. We see pen­guins wav­ing at planes and giant friend­ly rab­bits hop­ping from place to place.

While I like all of Elka­nati’s work, I chuck­led at the last two images, which fea­tures a dad who sets some bad exam­ples, like pee­ing in pub­lic and obnox­ious­ly falling asleep in the movies. Her style, how­ev­er makes it not feel so tacky and actu­al­ly funny.

Images via Flickr.

on a rabbit's tail

on a rabbit's tail

on a rabbit's tail

on a rabbit's tail

on a rabbit's tail

shimrit elkanati

shimrit elkanati

shimrit elkanati