
Charlotte Mann’s Illustrations Cover Walls

charlotte mann

Draw­ing and col­or­ing was one of my first hob­bies. As a kid, I would camp out on my couch and draw what was sit­ting on the cof­fee table. Even though I don’t do it as much any more, I still love look­ing at artists that wield the pen­cil and do it well. Today, I’m focus­ing on two artists that super size their work, and con­vert their draw­ings into life size installations.

Char­lotte Man­n’s bold lines and exquis­ite draw­ings are pro­duced with mark­ers on a wall. She depicts detailed land­scapes out of win­dows, messy desks, and styl­ish coats and bags. The sheer amount of detail is amaz­ing, and the style of her work is real­ly great — causal yet sophis­ti­cat­ed, like you can tell she finds a lot of joy from what she does.

All images via her web­site. H/T Doo­dlers.

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