
Sebastian Bieniek’s “Doublefaced” is a Series of Optical Illusions

Sebastian Bieniek

The por­trait series Dou­ble­faced by pho­tog­ra­ph­er Sebas­t­ian Bie­niek fea­tures a woman who drew a face (or faces) on her head and posi­tioned her­self in such a way that it she appears to be not one, but two peo­ple. This project is an opti­cal illu­sion, a bit of a mind ben­der, and over­all pret­ty clever, if not slight­ly creepy. I think that the ele­ment of con­fu­sion is what makes it suc­cess­ful, and I espe­cial­ly like when Bie­niek ven­tures into pub­lic. I’m sure that the mod­el’s pres­ence elicit­ed some strange reac­tions and dou­ble takes from passer­bys. (Via iGNANT)

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