Lately & Liked

Accolades, Badges, and Banners I’ve Seen Lately and Liked

ll_secretholiday(Via Secret Hol­i­day)

With the begin­ning of the 2014 Win­ter Olympics, it feels appro­pri­ate to have a post ded­i­cat­ed to acco­lades and badges. Not nec­es­sar­i­ly the type you’d find giv­en at the Olympics… but I don’t have a prob­lem with that, do you?


ll_secretholiday3I love these pos­i­tive reminders by Secret Hol­i­day.

ll_hammerpress ll_hammerpress4 ll_hammerpress3 ll_hammerpress2Badges that are also cards by Ham­mer­press. They are from my home­town of Kansas City, Mis­souri! I vis­it­ed their stu­dio many, many years ago when I was in high school.

ll_myokubithreads4 ll_myokubithreads3 ll_myokubithreads2 ll_myokubithreadsSil­ly and not-so-sil­ly patch­es by Mokuy­obi Threads. How do I get into the Bear Friend Society?

ll_peoplespenant ll_peoplespenant2 ll_peoplespenant3Piz­za time and hap­py hour — two things I want tonight. Illus­trat­ed pen­nants by The Peo­ple’s Pen­nant.

ll_pinestreetPine Street Mak­ery makes an East pen­nant. Per­fect for if you live on the east coast, or just the east side of town.

ll_mitzi4 ll_mitzi3 ll_mitzi2Vin­tage horse show rib­bons via Mitz­i’s Mis­cel­lany. (H/T Les­ley Barnes)