
Ellen van Engelen’s Contemporary Trippy Illustrations

Ellen van Engelen

The illus­tra­tions by Antwerp-based Ellen van Enge­len are pret­ty trip­py, but that’s a major part of their appeal for me. The warm, psy­che­del­ic scenes of long-haired women, odd track suits, and sur­re­al brain explo­ration feel like I’m look­ing at at the work of Sey­mour Chwast. He’s one of my all-time-favorite illustrators/designers, so that means I’ll be fol­low­ing the work of Enge­len for years and years to come.

All images via her web­site (which is actu­al­ly a Tumblr).

Ellen van Engelenellen5 ellen2 ellen3 ellen4 Ellen van Engelen Ellen van Engelen