
Shoes Over Bills! Shoes Over Bills!

Hannah K. Lee - Shoes Over Bills

Last week­end I pur­chased a pair of shoes that was 3 mon­th’s worth of cable. I’ve bought (and ruined) boots that were half a mon­th’s worth of rent. And when I look at my boyfriend’s gar­ment rack, I don’t even want to con­sid­er what kind of used car I could buy from all of the cloth­ing that hangs there.

The point is, I could prob­a­bly make myself feel bad all morn­ing by think­ing about the prices I pay fash­ion. Or, I could read Han­nah K. Lee’s zine, apt­ly titled Shoes Over Bills, and feel bet­ter about it. I’ll do the lat­ter, thanks.

Buy the zine here.

Hannah K. Lee - Shoes Over BillsHannah K. Lee - Shoes Over BillsHannah K. Lee Hannah K. Lee Hannah K. Lee Hannah K. Lee Hannah K. Lee Hannah K. Lee Hannah K. Lee