
Denis Lelic’s Daily Routine in Pictograms

Denis LelicHow would you describe your day, and would you ever think of express­ing it through the objects/icons you encounter? That’s what design­er Denis Lel­ic did; He drew pic­tograms of his dai­ly rou­tine, which fea­tures a sand­wich, cere­al, light­bulbs, an office chair, and more. They are sim­ple, black and white draw­ings that focus on the most sig­nif­i­cant details for easy, quick recog­ni­tion. Lel­ic writes about his series and states, “Its hard to track every sin­gle detail over a day, but here are some points of mine expressed through pic­tograms and lat­er posters. Some of them are a bit com­ic but they were my asso­ci­a­tion and trig­gers for my memories.”

All images via his Behance. H/T to the Explore blog.

Denis Lelic Denis Lelic
Denis Lelicsandwich doorHere they all are, in order left to right, top to bottom. all