Ya’ll know I love embroidery. So, I was totally blown away when I saw the work of Lithuatian artist Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė, who takes everyday metal objects and applies cross-stitching to them. She drills tiny holes in buckets, watering cans, shovels, and even car doors, and then uses thread for adornment. Sometimes, she adds a little trompe l’oeil to the mix, stitching cigarette butts on an ashtray or fruit on a fruit dish.
I really enjoy the juxtaposition of hard and soft materials in Severija’s work. She’s applying a craft to hard, stiff objects in an unexpectedly delightful way. There is an element of surprise as well as wonder, when you think about how involved her process must be. In an essay about her work, Dr. Jurgita Ludavičienė wrote the following:
Employing irony, Severija conceptually neutralizes the harmfulness of kitsch’s sweetness and sentimentality. Irony emerges in the process of drawing inspiration from the postwar Lithuanian village, with which artists have lost connection today, or from the destitute Soviet domestic environment, which women were trying to embellish with handicrafts, no matter what kind of absurd forms it would take. The intimacy of indoors freed from all tensions is the essence of coziness, that is crystallized in Severija’s works as cross stitch embroidery on various household utensils not intended for it.