Lately & Liked

Monochromatics I’ve Seen Lately & Liked


(Via. Who is the love­ly artist that made this? And where can I get a print?)

Yes­ter­day, the type I fea­tured was mono­chro­mat­ic, so why not con­tin­ue? I’m quick­ly learn­ing how much eas­i­er my life is if I stick to a mono­chro­mat­ic wardrobe, It all matches!

So, here are some home goods, illus­tra­tions, and cloth­ing I’ve seen late­ly and liked. Keep­ing with a mono­chro­mat­ic black/white/gray theme, every­thing is pri­mar­i­ly in that color.

mikabarr mikabarr2

Geo­met­ric pil­lows and throws by mik­abarr. The fab­ric is engi­neered so it folds on the lines of the sur­face, result­ing in geo­met­ric silhouettes.


I know I’ve fea­tured Fal­con­wright before, but I recent­ly ordered one of their prod­ucts and want­ed to tell ya’ll how much I like it! I ordered the pineap­ple wal­let pouch (above), and it is the per­fect size to hold my small wal­let, cell phone, and a few oth­er items. The pouch is also easy to trans­fer from bag to bag, or car­ry it by itself! I feel like a much more orga­nized and gen­er­al­ly “togeth­er” per­son because of it.

longhairWhen my hair is long again, I will be sure to buy this tee by Bean.

unrefineryDesign/digital art nerds, here is the shirt for you! Via Design Milk.


Some very painter­ly tem­po­rary tat­toos by Bur­row­ing Home. I’d even con­sid­er get­ting that kit­ten tat­too as a per­ma­nent fix­ture on my body.


By illus­tra­tor I‑Ying Yeh.

faoshop faoshop3

I am lov­ing this light fix­ture by Fao Shop. Did you know you can buy iron cords (like the one pic­tured) in a vari­ety of col­ors? Check out Sno­er­boer if you’re interested.