Artist / Painting

Casey Weldon Has Me Seeing Doubles

Casey Weldon - Painting

 Casey Wel­don has me see­ing dou­bles. Of ani­mals, yes, but more creep­i­ly, eyes. He paints images of cats doing cat-like things: meow­ing to get your atten­tion, star­ing at you from across the room, sit­ting on any­thing and every­thing in your apart­ment (am I pro­ject­ing?). But, these cats have two sets of eyes. Their place­ment is such that  you won­der, for a split sec­ond, if there is some­thing wrong with your eyes. I assure you, there is not. I per­son­al­ly like the addi­tion­al peep­ers. Casey’s tech­nique is beau­ti­ful, and the added quirk makes these works more alluring.

All images via his web­site, blog, and online shop.

Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting



And, cats as hats:Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting Casey Weldon - Painting