
Jennifer Fujimoto’s Ceramic Characters Are the New Roommates You Want To Have at Home

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

This past win­ter, I was man­ning the MCre­ativeJ booth at Val­ley Made Mar­ket. It’s there I met Jen­nifer Fuji­mo­to—we were booth neigh­bors. As soon as I saw her ceram­ics, I was in love. I grav­i­tat­ed toward her cat Kokeshi dolls and bought one the next day! It’s now one of my prized possessions.

Jen­nifer has a back­ground in graph­ic design and an inter­est in Japan­ese folk art and tex­tiles. Her expe­ri­ence shines in the sur­face dec­o­ra­tion on her pieces. There is a beau­ti­ful bal­ance of col­or and design ele­ments adorn­ing her dolls, cups, and oth­er spe­cial pieces. The scale of the flow­ers, clouds, brush strokes, and oth­er geo­met­ric motifs are play­ful and refined.

Jen­nifer sells her work online and in small busi­ness­es in Seat­tle, Belling­ham, and Min­neapo­lis. To see what she’s work­ing on next, be sure to fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Jennifer Fujimoto creates ceramic dolls, cups, and other special pieces inspired by her background in graphic design and interest in Japanese folk art and textiles.

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto

Handmade ceramics by Jennifer Fujimoto