Illustrated products

Lorien Stern Creates Spooky Homewares but in a Fun Way

Ghost wall plate cover

I’ve nev­er hit “buy” so fast than when I saw Lorien Stern’s ghost light switch cov­er. I had been look­ing for a fun light switch cov­er since we bought our house three years ago. When we moved in, I bought her snake bath mat. It’s on my side of our pri­ma­ry bath­room sink. The point is that I’m a big fan of Lorien’s home­wares (and her shark ceram­ics). It can be chal­leng­ing to find things that are illus­tra­tive, fun, and func­tion­al, but her shop cracks the code.

In addi­tion to the ghost wall plate cov­er, Lorien cre­ates nap­kin ring sets shaped like snails and straw­ber­ries, snake-shaped flat­ware, gar­den place­mats, and oth­er crea­ture-themed pieces. I love how bright they are and that they infuse fun into things that can be dull or oth­er­wise fussy.

To see more from Lorien, vis­it her online store.

Lorien Stern creates illustrative home goods that are as fun as they are functional. She imagines even the most dull items as colorful characters.

Ghost wall plate cover

Snake silverware and napkin rings by Lorien Stern

Snake silverware and napkin rings by Lorien Stern

Snake silverware by Lorien Stern

Pansy place setting by Lorien Stern

Throw pillows by Lorien Stern

Snake rug by Lorien Stern

Snake rug by Lorien Stern Throw pillows by Lorien Stern