Camp Craftaway

Try All the Crafts and Meet Your Community When You Come to Camp Craftaway This Summer

Camp Craftaway, a day camp for crafty adults

My favorite part of the year hap­pens every sum­mer. Specif­i­cal­ly, when Camp Craft­away is hap­pen­ing! What is that, you ask? Well, it’s a day camp for crafty adults cre­at­ed and run by me and Melis­sa of MCre­ativeJ. It’s a super-charged week­end of cre­ativ­i­ty and com­mu­ni­ty, cen­tered around a vari­ety of craft work­shops. Because what’s bet­ter than craft­ing and hav­ing fun with peo­ple who just get it?

Camp Craft­away is hap­pen­ing Fri­day, August 1 to Sun­day, August 3, 2025 at the Beach Park Event Cen­ter in Des Moines, WA (just south of Seat­tle!). The fes­tiv­i­ties kick off on Fri­day after­noon and end on Sun­day after­noon. (There is no lodg­ing on-site.)

You’ll get to choose from over 25 craft work­shops. This year, we’ve got a vari­ety of things to try: stained glass, broom mak­ing, indi­go dye, block print­ing, cook­ie dec­o­rat­ing, and much more. Each work­shop is two hours long and begin­ner-friend­ly. Dur­ing that time, you’ll start the craft (you may not fin­ish it) and leave with the skills you need to con­tin­ue the craft when you’re home. Basi­cal­ly, you’ll come away from the week­end with a bunch of new hob­bies and new friends!

Check out our com­plete sched­ule and get your tick­et now. Two or three-day pass­es are avail­able. Plan­ning on com­ing with a friend? We offer a bud­dy dis­count on three-day pass­es! Save $25/ticket when you buy your pass­es together.

Camp Craftaway is a day camp for crafty adults held every summer in the Seattle area. Get your ticket and check out some of the fun we’ve had in past years!

Robert Mahar Paper Marbling


Lisa Perrin teaching hand lettering

Cyanotype prints blow in wind

Block printin