
Penny Brooshoft Turns Cardboard Waste Into Wondrous Vessels That Will Brighten Your Home Decor

Eco-friendly vases made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Have you heard of Card­crete? I hadn’t until I found the work of Pen­ny Brooshoft. She takes 100% recy­cled paper and card­board waste—collected from her neigh­bors and cafes—and trans­forms it into a paste-like sub­stance. From this mate­r­i­al, she cre­ates eclec­tic ves­sels and fur­ni­ture that look like they’re made of con­crete or clay. The col­or­ful pieces are paint­ed with Penny’s bright designs and make for fun and eco-con­scious art objects. She sells these through her brand, Eclette.

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty is at the fore­front of Pen­ny’s work. Her back­ground in zool­o­gy and envi­ron­men­tal sci­ence instilled into her a core val­ue: sus­tain­able liv­ing. This trans­lates into art mak­ing. Card­crete, in addi­tion to being made of 100% recy­cled paper and card­board, also uses min­i­mal water. Any left­over liq­uid is put to good use by water­ing her gar­den. Bet­ter yet, all Eclette pack­ag­ing is eco-friend­ly (even down to the tape, which is biodegrad­able), and uses water-based paints.

You can pur­chase Penny’s work through the Eclette web­site and fol­low her on Insta­gram for more. That’s how I dis­cov­ered her—her Card­crete cof­fee table is incred­i­ble (and a fas­ci­nat­ing video).

Penny Brooshoft creates eco-friendly vases and other home goods using Cardcrete, a material she forms from 100% recycled paper and cardboard waste. It looks like concrete—just check out the coffee table she made!

Penny sells vases, bowls, and other home goods through her brand, Eclette.

Eco-friendly vase made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly vases made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly vases made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly vases made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly bowl made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly wall sconces made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly lamps made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly lamps made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette

Eco-friendly vases made of 100% recycled materials by Penny Brooshoft of Eclette