
Everyday Objects Are Immortalized as Paper Mache Sculptures by Bernie Kaminiski

Paper mache junk drawer by Bernie Kaminski

Artist Bernie Kamin­s­ki cre­ates every­day objects out of paper mache. His array includes pill bot­tles, receipts, socks, and ten­nis balls—each fas­ci­nat­ing in its ded­i­ca­tion to craft. The pieces are sculpt­ed to appear life­like, but of course, the lim­i­ta­tions of the mate­r­i­al make it impos­si­ble to do so. Rather, there’s a delight­ful uncan­ni­ness. The folds in a pair of jeans are slight­ly too stiff, but they’re still there. The hand-paint­ed Tab bot­tles have vis­i­ble brush strokes that are like real cola slosh­ing around in the glass vessels.

Paper mache art elic­its child­hood mem­o­ries for me. I used to craft things from it, and I’m going to paper mache some dec­o­ra­tions for my booth at Hand­made­land next month. Bernie’s cre­ations and the peri­od they represent—the lat­ter half of the 20th century—evoke a cer­tain nos­tal­gia for a time that looks total­ly dif­fer­ent from now. When life was ana­log, and our dis­trac­tions weren’t digital.

See more of Bernie’s cre­ations on his Insta­gram account.

Artist Bernie Kaminski creates everyday objects out of paper mache.

Paper mache food cabinet by Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache matchbooks by Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache socks by Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache jeans by Bernie Kaminski

His array includes pill bottles, receipts, socks, and tennis balls—each fascinating in its dedication to craft.

Paper mache hatby Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache Tab bottles by Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache envelope by Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache toothpaste by Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache tennis racket by Bernie Kaminski

Paper mache tape by Bernie Kaminski