Textile Art

Nothing is Cake In These Amazing Funfetti Sculptures

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

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Does­n’t this look like a deli­cious slice of cake? It cer­tain­ly does! But if you were to bite into it, you’d taste embroi­dery stitch­es, acrylic paint frost­ing, and poly­mer clay sprin­kles. Artist Heather Ríos has cre­at­ed a col­lec­tion of con­fec­tions that fool the eye and show­case her exper­tise at manip­u­lat­ing mate­ri­als to read as some­thing com­plete­ly different.

Through the pho­tos, you can see how Heather has real­ly stud­ied cakes and is able to mim­ic the col­or and fluffi­ness of the quin­tes­sen­tial fun­fet­ti fla­vor. Make sure you watch her videos, too. In them, she dis­pels any notion that you’re look­ing at food by pet­ting the fuzzi­ness threads.

Heather sells orig­i­nals of her work on Etsy.

Think these are cakes? They’re not! Artist Heather Ríos has created funfetti desserts using embroidery floss, acrylic paint, and polymer clay.

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

Faux Embroidery Cake by Heather Ríos

If you need any more proof, her videos say it all:


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A post shared by Heather Ríos (@hararatextiles)