
Illustrations Transform Landscape Photos Into a Charming Cast of Characters

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

There are cre­atives who are inspired by the land­scape and recre­ate it in their own artis­tic voice. Then there are oth­ers like Koketit, aka Shi­ra Barzi­lay, who cre­ative­ly incor­po­rate the land­scape into her art.

Using pho­tographs of the sky, land, and sea, she per­son­i­fies Earth (both nat­ur­al and man­made) with her char­ac­ter illus­tra­tions. She uses ele­ments of the land­scape as fea­tures. A water­fall becomes some­one’s long, flow­ing locks while a pecu­liar­ly shaped cloud is a pro­file view of a por­trait. Her loose, ges­tur­al style is an engag­ing visu­al con­trast to the heav­i­ness in the pictures.

Koketit sells her work through her online shop. To see what she’s up to next, fol­low her on Insta­gram.

Koketit, aka Shira Barzilay, creatively incorporates the landscape into her art.

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Using photographs of the sky, land, and sea, she personifies Earth with her character illustrations.

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Her loose, gestural style is an engaging visual contrast to the heaviness in the pictures.

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit

Illustrations drawn onto landscape photos by Kokeit