
Embroidery Artist Unearths Fossils in Her Tactile Hoop Art

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Artist, pho­tog­ra­ph­er, and tour guide Rachel Crisp has unearthed fos­sils… in thread! She has cre­at­ed a series of stitched dinosaur bones (and oth­er bones) that are sur­round­ed by all sorts of high­ly tex­tured stitch­es. The effect visu­al­ly sit­u­ates the bones beneath the green threads, and it pro­duces the illu­sion that they are being uncovered.

For more of Rachel’s work,  fol­low her Insta­gram. To see her pho­tographs and learn more about her, vis­it her web­site ded­i­cat­ed to the great outdoors.

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp

Fossil embroidery by Rachel Crisp