
Oversized Weavings Create Playful, Large Scale Fiber Art Installations

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Kat Sánchez Stand­field, aka Fiber­ess, cre­ates over­sized weav­ings whose ele­ments are pieces of orig­i­nal fiber art. Using the knit­ting tech­nique, she cre­ates giant “threads” that are then woven togeth­er and often hang from walls in large-scale, awe-inspir­ing installations.

Pair­ing tra­di­tion­al fiber process­es, Kat uses them as a vehi­cle for explor­ing “con­tem­po­rary issues” in her work. “The inter­sec­tion in which we relate to our­selves, each oth­er, and our envi­ron­ments is at the cen­ter of what inspires her work,” her artist state­ment reads. “She explores ideas of com­mu­ni­ty, heal­ing, and renew­al through phys­i­cal actions and meth­ods like mend­ing, street art, and inter­ac­tive installations.”

You can’t help but want to touch and even wrap your­self in Kat’s work. This is by design. “Influ­enced by both the his­to­ry of fibers and its intrin­sic con­nec­tion to human­i­ty Kat likes cre­at­ing work that invites the pub­lic to inter­act with it. A desire to elic­it a mul­ti-sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence while engag­ing the audi­ence’s desire to inves­ti­gate and play is at the heart of her practice.”

Kat Sánchez Standfield, aka Fiberess, uses knitting and weaving to create playful, large-scale fiber art.

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield

Fiber art by Kat Sanchez Stanfield