
Illustrative Packaging Perfectly Complements Summer Sweets by Seattle Chocolate

Kendra Dandy and Seattle Chocolate Packaging

If you know me IRL, you know I have a huge sweet tooth. I always order dessert. And, of course, I love illus­tra­tion, so Seat­tle Choco­late is real­ly the best of both worlds for me. The woman-owned company—based where I live!—commissions the best illus­tra­tors to cre­ate designs for its pack­ag­ing. This sum­mer’s selec­tion of choco­lates is no dif­fer­ent. Seat­tle Choco­late tapped Kendra Dandy, aka @theebouffants, to design choco­late bar wrap­pers, stick­ers, and con­tain­ers for its deli­cious truffles.

One of my favorite things about Kendra’s work is her per­son­i­fi­ca­tion. She trans­forms the likes of fruit and ice cream into glam­ourous char­ac­ters that are right in line with how deli­cious and indul­gent the choco­late is.

Seat­tle Choco­late kind­ly sent me a good box fea­tur­ing Kendra’s designs. To get some of the choco­late for your­self, vis­it its online shop.

Kendra Dandy and Seattle Chocolate Packaging

Kendra Dandy and Seattle Chocolate Packaging

Kendra Dandy and Seattle Chocolate Packaging

Kendra Dandy and Seattle Chocolate Packaging