
Festive Kitties Show off Their Love of Winter by Wearing Cozy Oversized Scarves

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

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Illus­tra­tor Ang­ie Roze­laar’s Christ­mas kit­ty count­down might be over, but if you ask me, adorable cats wear­ing scarves is fash­ion­able all sea­son long. The paint­ings chron­i­cle kit­ties of all kinds—tuxedoes, tor­ties, siamese—as they rock a vari­ety of wraps. Some fea­ture win­tery pat­terns while oth­ers have bright stripes that could be worn when­ev­er there is a chill in the air. But regard­less of their sar­to­r­i­al choic­es, each col­or­ful feline is a per­fect com­ple­ment to the cold weath­er and short days.

Be sure to fol­low Ang­ie on Insta­gram, where the Christ­mas kit­ty count­down first appeared! To have some of her work in your home, vis­it her Etsy shop for prints.

Angie Rozelaar imagines kitties in scarves and the cat paintings are adorable (and winter festive).

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Winter Cat Paintings by Angie Rozelaar

Winter Cat Paintings by Angie Rozelaar

Winter Cat Paintings by Angie Rozelaar

Winter Cat Paintings by Angie Rozelaar

Cat Illustration Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Cat Illustration Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Cat Illustration Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Cat Illustration Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar

Kitty Wearing a Scarf by Angie Rozelaar