Ceramics / Embroidery

These Ceramic Vases Have Real Embroidery Stitched Into Them

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroi­dery and ceram­ics might seem an unlike­ly pair, but as artist Car­o­line Har­rius shows, they are spec­tac­u­lar togeth­er. She’s cur­rent­ly work­ing on a series of vas­es that incor­po­rat­ed thread in their design. She does this by craft­ing the ves­sel and then pok­ing many tiny holes in its sur­face. Once fired, she sews the design by bring­ing the string through those holes. The two cre­ations she’s shared online (so far) fea­ture cross stitch flow­ers and a run­ning style stitch along the entire cir­cum­fer­ence of the vase.

I can’t wait to see how these turn out. Fol­low Car­o­line on Insta­gram to see for yourself.

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidered ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidery on ceramics by Caroline Harrius

Embroidery on ceramics by Caroline Harrius