
These Contemporary Quilted Coats Find New Looks Using Antique Fabrics

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

I know quilt­ed coats are noth­ing new, but mod­ern mak­ers have giv­en them a con­tem­po­rary spin with their designs. Take the work of Psy­chic Out­law, a small team that cre­ates unique cloth­ing using vin­tage and antique tex­tiles. Their spe­cial jack­ets fea­ture some famil­iar quilt­ing motifs, but my favorites are the ones that incor­po­rate an unex­pect­ed col­or com­bi­na­tion or place­ment of patterns.

Psy­chic Out­law sells their work through their web­site. To see what they’re sell­ing next, fol­low them on Insta­gram.

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw

Quilted coat by Psychic Outlaw