Textile Art

These Personality-Packed Rugs Aren’t Your Ordinary Floor Coverings

Tufted tiger art by Ina Dyreborg

I did­n’t intend to take such a long break from writ­ing here… but here we are, and now I’m back! Today I’m shar­ing the work of Ina G. Dyre­borg, a tex­tile artist who cre­ates giant tuft­ed rugs that are packed with per­son­al­i­ty. My favorite pieces revolve around her human and ani­mal char­ac­ters with their bright hues as well as dis­tinct fea­tures and expressions.

I start­ed my car­pet jour­ney in 2013 when I want­ed a rug but could­n’t find any­thing that was right for me, and after a long search the idea of ​​cre­at­ing it myself began to man­i­fest itself,” she writes on her web­site. “Then I start­ed look­ing for ways to make rugs and it was the Danel­la nee­dle, a small hand­held tool, that helped start my jour­ney as a tex­tile artist.” Con­tin­u­ing, “For me, it was impor­tant from the start that the rugs should be more than a car­pet, it should inspire and make you want to explore the tactile.”

Ina sells her work on her web­site. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s up to next.

Artist Ina Dyreborg holding her tufted tiger art up to her head

Tufted tiger art by Ina Dyreborg

Tufted tiger art by Ina Dyreborg

Tufted tiger art by Ina Dyreborg

Tufted tiger rug art by Ina Dyreborg

Tufted tiger art by Ina Dyreborg

Rug art of a woman by Ina Dyreborg

Rug art of a person by Ina Dyreborg

Rug art of a woman by Ina Dyreborg

Rug art of a woman by Ina Dyreborg

Tufted wall art by Ina Dyreborg