
How One Embroiderer Turned a Coronavirus Creative Rut Into a Charming Daily Art Project

Coronavirus art project by Amy Jones

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When COVID-19 lock­downs began, New Zealand-based embroi­dery artist Amy Jones, aka Cheese Before Bed­time, felt like she was in a cre­ative rut. “I’ve been soooooo unmo­ti­vat­ed,” she shared in an Insta­gram post at the time. “My eyes have been glued to the lat­est updates, I’ve been busy enter­tain­ing the kids and clean­ing the house (cos kids!!).”

To help her­self dur­ing this try­ing time, Amy insti­tut­ed a 30-day embroi­dery project. The theme was open. “They’ll just be reflec­tions of my thoughts,” she explained. The first day had to do with the coro­n­avirus (nat­u­ral­ly), but as the days went on, the tiny stitched draw­ings show­cased the rich­ness of her dai­ly life. From piz­za to plants to sil­ly jokes, each embroi­dery sym­bol­ized some­thing for Amy.

I am proud that I have made it to the end,” she wrote, “and proud of the piece as a mem­o­ry of this strange time.”

The coro­n­avirus art project did­n’t stop with the first 30 days. Since fin­ish­ing the first iter­a­tion of her coro­n­avirus art, Amy has been work­ing on anoth­er piece of fab­ric with the same dai­ly reflec­tions. She hopes to do two more and have four pieces in all.

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones

Daily hand embroidery project by Amy Jones

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones

Daily hand embroidery project by Amy Jones

Coronavirus art project by Amy Jones

Coronavirus art project by Amy Jones

Coronavirus art project by Amy Jones

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones

Daily hand embroidery project by Amy Jones

Contemporary hoop art by Amy Jones