
Lifelike Bird Embroideries Combine Techniques and Materials to Create the Illusion They’re Real

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

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Embroi­dery artist Pola Laa­ma­nen crafts birds that at first glance, look real. Using a com­bi­na­tion of thread paint­ing, stump­work, and mixed mate­ri­als, her tiny birds take on a life of their own. She shows some as they emerge from eggshells while oth­ers seem to fly. Each begs a clos­er look, as you’ll see how she takes a painter­ly approach to her small works; stitch­es give way to fringe which gives way to rib­bon, and it’s all looks effort­less­ly crafted.

Pola sells her work through Etsy—includ­ing pat­terns avail­able to down­load. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen

Lifelike bird embroidery by Pola Laamanen