Illustrated products

Illustrative Jigsaw Puzzles Make the Challenging Activity a Beautiful One

Ramen-inspired 500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Lan Truong

Puz­zles are hav­ing a moment. Because so many of us are hun­ker­ing down at home, we’re rav­en­ous for enter­tain­ment that does­n’t involve the phone. Puz­zles are a low-stress way to unwind after a long day of… being at home? And now, there are jig­saw puz­zles being released that have inter­est­ing illus­tra­tive designs that you’ll want to frame like a print when you’re done.

Seltzer is sell­ing a series of 500 piece jig­saw puz­zles fea­tur­ing images of fruit ladies, tarot cards, and bowls of ramen. Each is made using 100% recy­cled board and print­ed with eco-friend­ly inks.

The Sun­shine Flow­ers puz­zle is call­ing my name. Get your own on the Seltzer web­site!

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Lan Truong

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Kiki Ljung

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Kiki Ljung

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Hol­ly Maguire

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Hol­ly Maguire

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Claire Ishino

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Claire Ishino

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Claire Shadomy

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Claire Shadomy

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Helen Musselwhite

500 piece jigsaw puzzle

Illus­tra­tion by Helen Musselwhite