
Decorative Face Masks Playfully Encourage Social Distancing with Their Bizarre Knittings

Bizarre decorative face masks

Faces masks are prob­a­bly on your mind right now. I know they are mine. Tap­ping into this col­lec­tive think­ing on face cov­er­ings is the artist Ýrúrarí. For the past cou­ple of weeks, she’s been shar­ing her ver­sion of masks that are a twist on con­ven­tion. These masks are NOT meant to be pro­tec­tive in any way, but mere­ly decorative.

The knit­ted masks play on the idea of social dis­tanc­ing by incor­po­rat­ing (delight­ful­ly) bizarre sculp­tur­al ele­ments that would make peo­ple shy away from you on the street. A cou­ple of her lat­est cre­ations fea­ture dis­tor­tions of mouths and tongues—sometimes many of them—that cov­er the body of the mask.

If you’re intrigued by Ýrúrarí’s cre­ations, you can buy equal­ly as quirky knit­ted clothes in her online shop.

Knitted face masks

Knitted face masks

Knitted face masks

Knitted face masks

Knitted face masks

Knitted face masks

Bizarre decorative face masks

Knitted face masks

Knitted face masks

Knitted face masks

Bizarre decorative face masks