
Picture Hope: A Beautifully Illustrated Coloring Book for Frazzled Adults During COVID-19

Picture Hope, an adult coloring book

It seems like I haven’t left my home for any­thing oth­er than the essen­tials in for­ev­er (in real­i­ty, it’s been about a month), and I’ve found there is indeed a lim­it to how much Net­flix and Hulu I can enjoy. Do you want to break away from the screen, too? Enter Pic­ture Hope: The Social Dis­tanc­ing Col­or­ing Book cre­at­ed and curat­ed by The House That Lars Built.

The down­load­able col­or­ing book includes black-and-white illus­tra­tions from 64 artists around the world. Each of the draw­ings is their “rep­re­sen­ta­tion of hope dur­ing this chal­leng­ing time.” Use col­ored pen­cils, mark­ers, or even paint to fill in these charm­ing images and feel a lit­tle less frazzled.

The cost of the book starts at $10, and all of the prof­its go to ben­e­fit the World Heath Orga­ni­za­tion Coro­n­avirus Response Fund. (You can always choose to donate more.) Get your copy here.

Picture Hope, an adult coloring book

Adult coloring pages


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Picture Hope, an adult coloring book

Picture Hope, an adult coloring book