
Charming Miniature Creature Totems Crafted From Clay That Bakes in the Oven

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

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I’ve loved minia­tures ever since I was a kid. There’s some­thing so sat­is­fy­ing about being able to hold an object in the palm of your hand (espe­cial­ly since my hands are so small). This idea is what attracts me to the work of Ramala­ma Crea­tures. Sculpt­ed by a cre­ative named Ram­inta, she crafts ani­mal totems using poly­mer clay (aka oven bake clay) and then paints them to resem­ble adorable hedge­hogs, col­or­ful birds, curi­ous rac­coons, and much more.

The process of mak­ing every crea­ture and ani­mal is very per­son­al to me,” she writes, “it takes dozens of hours to com­plete the sculp­ture until it is excep­tion­al­ly care­ful­ly hand-paint­ed with max­i­mum of details and fin­ished with glossy var­nish. Usu­al­ly, it takes days to cre­ate one sin­gle piece and I just love to see each ani­mal com­ing alive in the process of creation.”

With such amaz­ing atten­tion to detail, it’s no won­der that Ram­inta’s sculp­tures sell fast. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to learn when her next col­lec­tion will be avail­able in her Etsy shop.

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Small animal totem by Ramalama Creatures

Small animal totem by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Polymer clay animal sculpture by Ramalama Creatures

Small animal totem by Ramalama Creatures

Small animal totem by Ramalama Creatures

Small animal totem by Ramalama Creatures

Small animal totem by Ramalama Creatures

Small animal totem by Ramalama Creatures