Illustrated products

7 of the Best Creative Products to Illustrate Your Life This Week

Creative products to buy

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1. Twist Can­dle by Lex Pott
2. Bach­e­lor But­ton 8″ Plate by Mol­ly Hatch
3. Feb­ru­ary Book Club Pat­tern by Sarah K. Ben­ning (instant download)
4. The Mod­ern Embroi­dery Stu­dio: 20 Styl­ish Designs to Stitch, Wear, and Share by Lau­ren Holton (I have this book—it’s awesome!)
5. Desert Mag­ic Bear Sculp­ture by Past Your Porchlight
6. Foil + Mag­ic Black Pan­ther Note­books by Arual
7. The Cat Club Set by Berkley Illus­tra­tion x Tattly

Bear soft sculpture

Contemporary embroidery pattern by Sarah K. Benning

Illustrated ceramic plate

Illustrated notebooks

The Modern Embroidery Studio book

Cat illustration temporary tattoo

Twisted base candles