
Tissue Paper Illustrations Celebrate the Animal Kingdom With an Unexpectedly Printmakerly Feel

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

You might think of tis­sue paper as only being used for gift wrap, but Stacey Elaine has anoth­er use for it—the raw mate­r­i­al in her illus­tra­tions. “The idea to work with tis­sue paper came to me as I was falling asleep one night,” she writes, “and since I start­ed work­ing with this medi­um it has felt more nat­ur­al and effort­less than any­thing else I’ve ever made.” Using an X‑Acto knife and care­ful cut­ting, she cre­ates por­traits of crea­tures often paired with flo­ra or oth­er nat­ur­al ele­ments. Each piece has small, dec­o­ra­tive pat­tern­ing, whether it’s in the wings of the bird or the arrange­ments of the tis­sue paper itself.  When scanned, the flat­ten­ing makes these pieces look like they were done with print­mak­ing tech­niques; the opac­i­ty of the tis­sue paper mim­ics the roll of a brayer.

Stacey is hard at work on her lat­est series. “I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on com­plet­ing a col­lec­tion of works fea­tur­ing tis­sue paper illus­tra­tions of col­lec­tive nouns for ani­mal groups! I got the idea after cre­at­ing a piece titled ‘Hud­dle of Wal­rus­es,’ which was one of the most dif­fi­cult pieces I’ve ever com­plet­ed,” she shares with me. “I’m work­ing with a restrained col­or sto­ry, focus­ing espe­cial­ly on cre­at­ing strong designs, all cut free-hand from tis­sue paper. My hope is to com­pile them all for a children’s book that I hope to have pub­lished someday.”

Stacey sells her work as orig­i­nals and prints through her online shop. See her work in progress on Insta­gram.

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine

Tissue paper illustrations of animals by Stacey Elaine