
Tulip,’ a Needle-Felted Animated Short is “Fresh and Woolly Take” on ‘Thumbelina’

Tulip, a short animated film by Andrea Love and Phoebe Wahl

Ani­ma­tor Andrea Love and illus­tra­tor Phoebe Wahl are work­ing on an ani­mat­ed short film called “Tulip,” which is a “fresh and wool­ly take” on the Hans Chris­t­ian Ander­son tale Thum­be­li­na. The eight-minute piece intro­duces us to Tulip, a child born from a flower, who explores a big (and often over­whelm­ing) gar­den while “search­ing for her sense of belonging.”

We want­ed to cre­ate a con­tem­po­rary adap­ta­tion of Thum­be­li­na that allows Tulip to be a child, free from a love-sto­ry end­ing and able to find home in more places than one,” they explain, “while main­tain­ing the orig­i­nal story’s themes of risk, adven­ture and magic.”

The stop-motion ani­ma­tion fea­tures felt and nee­dle-felt­ed wool sets that are as mag­i­cal as the sto­ry. Both are co-direc­tors and bring their own cre­ative tal­ents to the film. Andrea has fab­ri­cat­ed the ele­ments of the film and is ani­mat­ing it while Phoebe is the lead set and char­ac­ter design­er in addi­tion to the scriptwriter.

Andrea and Phoebe are rais­ing mon­ey for the pro­duc­tion of “Tulip.” Learn more about the film—including the rewards for pledging—by vis­it­ing their Kick­starter. Fol­low its progress by fol­low­ing “Tulip” on Insta­gram.

Watch a clip of Andrea Love and Phoebe Wahl’s short animated film called “Tulip.” Help them complete production by pledging to their Kickstarter.

Tulip, a short animated film by Andrea Love and Phoebe Wahl