
Colorful Collisions in the Nature-Inspired Collages of Maggie Ramirez Burns

Nature-inspired art

Artist Mag­gie Ramirez Burns cre­ates col­lage art that rides the fine line between order and chaos. Her paper pieces—inspired by nature, fash­ion, design, and geometry—document the col­or­ful fusion of ethe­re­al wash­es and del­i­cate fine lines and shapes sliced with an X‑Acto knife. Each appears as its own micro­cosm. The scenes often show­case move­ment as lay­ers of petals and leaves drift away from their anchors. This makes them feel dynam­ic; but at the same time, the move­ment is frozen allow­ing us to exam­ine all of the beau­ty that Mag­gie has pro­duced and arranged.

Mag­gie sells her col­lage art as prints and wall murals through Mint­ed. Fol­low her on Insta­gram to see what she’s work­ing on next.

Collage art by Maggie Ramirez Burns

Nature-inspired collage

Abstract art by Maggie Ramirez Burns

Cut paper collage by Maggie Ramirez Burns

Cut paper collage by Maggie Ramirez Burns

Nature-inspired collage

Collage art by Maggie Ramirez Burns

Abstract art by Maggie Ramirez Burns

Cut paper collage by Maggie Ramirez Burns