Illustrated products

20 Items on Etsy That’ll Help You Keep Your 2020 Resolutions

New year's resolution ideas for 2020

This post con­tains some affil­i­ate links. If you make a pur­chase, Brown Paper Bag may earn an affil­i­ate com­mis­sion. Learn more here.

Wow, ya’ll. It has been a MINUTE since I’ve writ­ten any­thing here. The reason—which I am sure is a bro­ken record at this point— is that I was super busy stitch­ing love­ly cus­tom embroi­dered col­lars from Octo­ber up to Christ­mas. Sad­ly, Brown Paper Bag had to take a back­seat dur­ing that time.

With more time to breath (and reflect), I’ve been think­ing about 2020 and what I’d like to make time for. The first thing I thought of was this blog; I intend to go back to writ­ing in it Mon­day through Fri­day. The sec­ond thing was to spend more time cook­ing, and the third was to assem­ble more jig­saw puzzles.

What about you? You prob­a­bly have a few things that you’d like to accom­plish. I find that the best way to sup­port myself in my res­o­lu­tions is to buy myself some­thing to get start­ed. It does­n’t have to be big, but the joy of get­ting some­thing new helps moti­vate me. And often, the things I buy make it eas­i­er to achieve my resolutions.

Through my Etsy favorites, I’ve been mak­ing a list of items that will sup­port your new year’s res­o­lu­tion ideas. If you’re inter­est­ed in learn­ing the cro­chet tech­nique amigu­ru­mi, for instance, I’ve found a dar­ling anteater pat­tern. But if you’re like me and want to cook more, I’ve also shared a Nordic-inspired oven mitt that is both beau­ti­ful and functional.

Scroll below for ways to sup­port your new year’s resolutions.

If your resolution is to…


… get organized, be it on paper or in your home:

2020 Plan­ner


Bee­tle Unruled Notebook


Cac­tus Pegboard


Vin­tage Woven Swan Basket


… learn a new craft:

Crazy Prarie Punch Nee­dle Kit


Cock­a­too Scarf Knit­ting Pattern


Star­ing Con­test Print­ed Quilt Pattern


André the Anteater Amigu­ru­mi Pattern


Chub­by Platy­pus Yarn Bowl


Nar­whal Ceram­ic Palette


Wash­ing­ton State Embroi­dery Pattern


… host more dinner parties:

Nordic Rab­bit Oven Mitts


Design-Your-Own 10″ Cake Stand


Dessert Porce­lain Bowl


Ani­mal Plate Set




Fox Bot­tle Stopper


… take a damn nap and get better at self-care:


Cloud-Shaped Bath Soap


Yoga Mat Bag


Thorn & Snake Wide-Leg Pants (I have a pair—the jer­sey is so soft and cozy)

New year's resolution ideas for 2020

New year's resolution ideas for 2020